Are you a business owner looking for ways to save money and reduce waste? Each year, thousands of business owners look for ways to save money and add to their bottom line. One of the biggest expenses business owners have on a consistent basis is office supplies.
Buying things like pens, printer cartridges and cleaning supplies is essential for a business trying to stay productive. However, there are a variety of things a company like InteGrand can do to save you money on these essential supplies. Read below to find out about some of the things you can do to save money on office supplies.
Ordering in Bulk Can Be Beneficial
The overwhelming majority of the office supplies you use on a regular basis can be ordered in bulk. While ordering in bulk can save you money, there are a few tradeoffs you will have to make. When ordering in bulk, you will have to spend more money to buy larger quantities and come up with a method of storing these supplies until they are needed. When ordering in bulk consider the following:
- Finding the right supplier to order office items in bulk from is essential. A supplier like InteGrand can offer their customers great deals on bulk purchases of the supplies they need.
- Keeping track of the bulk items you order is essential. Often times, employees view items that they have a lot of as disposable. This is why you will need to store the bulk supplies and keep up with what is being used.
- By keeping your bulk office supplies organized, you can save money and keep your employees stocked with top-notch supplies.
Reducing Your Printing Costs
Another important thing you need to do when trying to save money on office supplies is to take a good look at the printing costs you have. Changing a few computer setting can help you reduce the amount of printer ink and paper you use. Most commercial printers have an economy setting that allows you to use less ink when printing documents.
Generally, the image and text quality on this setting will be a bit lower but this isn’t a big deal if all you are printing is text documents. Other things like using double-sided printing and scrap paper can also help you save a significant amount of money on your printing supplies.
Go Generic Whenever Possible
Opting for generic office supply brands can also help you save a lot of money. Often times, brand name products will be much more expensive than their generic counterpart. Unless you notice a big difference in the level of quality the generic product has, you need to keep using them to save a few dollars.
Take Advantage of Used Items
Some business owners have the misconception that used office supplies will not meet their standard of quality. The reality is that items like used printers work just as well as new ones and are far less expensive. The team at InteGrand has a large selection of certified used printers that are reasonably priced.
Don’t Wait Until You Run Out
Waiting until you are completely out of particular office supplies to order more can be both stressful and costly. Generally, the likelihood of you paying more money for office supplies increases when you need to get it in stock quickly.