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Adventures of Huckleberry Pup (Vol. 6)

For months we have been documenting the journey of Huckleberry from loveable pup to a loyal service dog. This week, we thought we would discuss the benefits that service dogs like Huckleberry can provide to veterans of the United States military. Each year, thousands of soldiers return from their tour of duty with a number of problems, both physical and mental. Those soldiers who have trouble with PTSD can find it a bit hard to readjust to life back on American soil. Read below to find out more about the benefits that service dogs like Huckleberry can provide to our veterans.

Providing Emotional Support

Often times, a veteran will turn to their service dog for emotional support when they are having a bad day. Usually, a soldier will not be comfortable talking with a friend or family member about their problems with PTSD. The soldier may think they are being judged by a friend or family member when talking about their issues even if this is not the case. The unconditional love and loyalty a dog can provide is just what most soldiers need to get over a particularly bad bout with their PTSD.

Great at Taking Orders

For most people with a military background, taking and receiving orders is something they are very familiar with. Keeping this type of structure can help a soldier get adjusted to civilian a bit easier. The dogs that are trained to help veterans are taught to take orders very well. If a veteran needs their dog to retrieve medications or even an item that brings them comfort, they will have no problem doing so.

Reduce Stress With Fun

Having a service dog can also allow a veteran to take their mind off the stress they feel. Playing fetch or even just sitting and watching television with a dog can be quite comforting. When soldiers are feeling stressed and anxious, the dog will be able to comfort them and take their mind off of their PTSD for a while.

A Good Reason to Get Outdoors

A dog is also a great reason for a veteran to get outdoors. Being cooped up in a house all day is not the best thing for a soldier with PTSD. Finding ways to distract a soldier with this disease can be an effective way to keep them happier. Dogs love being outside, which in turn means the soldier will love being outside as well.

The team at InteGrand is thrilled to be sponsoring Huckleberry and realize just how important his future job is.

June 12, 2017 | Tips and Tricks