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3 Tips For Getting The Most Out Of Your Customer Service Experience - InteGrand

We love helping you with any of our services, but there are things that you can do for us! Our customer service is most effective when we know how to help you!  Here are 3 Tips for getting the most out of your InteGrand customer service experience.

Close up photo of hand ringing a hotel reception service bell to attract attention


Don’t Be Afraid To Over Explain

The more info we know, the better, so don’t be afraid to tell us all of the details whether large or small. Even if it seems obvious, explain it and your situation. Then next time you work together, we’ll have a better idea of who you are and what your goals are.


Do Your Research

While we don’t expect you to fix the problem yourself, it usually helps to know a little about the product or problem before hand. Even cursory knowledge of the issue can help customer service easily address the problem and fix it much quicker.


Be Patient

Sometimes it takes a while to work through an issue, but be patient and know that our customer service reps are committed to helping you with every problem. Even if it takes time, we will work with every customer to ensure all problems are fixed.

Time running out: White sand falling inside hourglass, with round analog clock in background (focus on neck of hourglass), shallow depth of field