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Green Minneapolis, Green InteGrand - InteGrand

iStock_000009017141_SmallMinneapolis was ranked one of the world’s cleanest cities and for good reason, we care about our city. At InteGrand we want to do our part, if we sell it, we service it, and we recycle it; from electronics to sensitive documents we’ll be there to safely and greenly take care of your disposal needs.

Minneapolis remains green because of our commitment to keeping our city clean, cutting down on pollution and using eco-friendly transit. InteGrand follows that tradition by following EPA guidelines while helping you dispose of unwanted electronics.

If you have an old computer that you need to get rid of, allow us to safely and responsibly dispose of it for you. Not only are we aware of the environmentally responsible way of doing this, but we also use Department of Defense specifications for data destruction and provide a Certificate of Recycling and/or Certificate of Data Destruction, giving you peace of mind that your documents and files were properly destroyed.

Remember if we sell it, we service it and recycle it, so contact us today and ask about our line of recyclable products and how we all can help our city and our environment remain green and clean!

July 13, 2015 | Recycling