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Healthy Workers are Happy Workers - InteGrand

top-view of keyboard, apple and writing equipmentIt’s no secret that being healthy makes you feel better and work easier. Here are our tips to keep your employees healthy and happy.

Keep it clean
Keeping your office clean and shiny will help eliminate germs and will help keep your employees well and productive. Check out our line of cleaning supplies, to help you achieve the cleanest office and break room you can possibly have.

Put healthy food in the breakroom
Putting some healthy food into your office breakroom will help employees with their healthy diets and encourage them to eat better. Breaks are also essential to an employee’s health and have been scientifically proven to help people regain focus and motivation and will ensure your busy employees don’t get burned out on the task at hand.

Encourage sick employees to stay home
Encourage sick days around your office and remind employees that the worst thing they can do, sometimes more so than missing a deadline, is to come in while sick, spread germs around and get others in the office sick as well. Make sure your work environment is encouraging of this by stepping in and asking employees to take the rest of the day off if it appears they are sick.

August 11, 2015 | Uncategorized