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OSHA Standards: Ergonomics - InteGrand

How important is ergonomics in your workplace? Ergonomics is the science of designing the job to fit the worker, rather than physically forcing the worker’s body to fit the job. The point is to reduce employee injuries and increase wellness.

Ergonomic studies have proven to save companies thousands (sometimes millions) of dollars. In 2003, OSHA and the United States Postal Service entered into an Ergonomic Strategic Partnership. The goal of the partnership was to reduce musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) through ergonomic risk reduction process (ERRP). Through this partnership OSHA and the USPS created self-sustaining teams and imparts ergonomic identification and resolution skills to the employees involved.

The results were eye opening.

  • $1.8 million was saved in workers’ compensation medical costs (a 39% reduction)
  • MSD rates were 35% less in ERRP sites
  • Nearly 7,000 ergonomic task analyses have been conducted and 3,600 fixes were implemented
  • Employee communication and organization skills improved
  • Team morale improved
  • Work flow improved significantly

These results were all because of a few low cost improvements to procedures and equipment. We believe strongly in office ergonomics and offer a variety of products and furniture to keep your employees comfortable and safe.

If you need help with ergonomics, contact InteGrand today for assistance. Our highly trained team can help you spot the areas that need improvement and set you up with an affordable action plan. Call us at 763-398-2188.

August 20, 2014 | Furniture