- Most frequently purchased items discounts
- Quantity discounts
- Consolidation for single source purchasing/savings
- Locating hard-to-find items
- If we sell it, we support it, we repair it,
we recycle it - Free loaners
- Experienced Staff Trained in Cooper System
- Finding, Expediting, Logistics, Staging, Recycling, Custom Billing
- Remanufactured Toner Quality – Grand Laser Program

The Gaps
Have you noticed the GAPS when your employees take off and wander around big box stores looking for various office supplies. Is that what you pay your staff to do?
Here are five other GAPS that Integrand fills to save you time, money and profit margins.You deserve worry-free, comprehensive business products and services:
Full Retail Price All the Time Gap
Ever go into an office supplier store and try to negotiate a price? Ever consolidated your purchases for more buying power. You are a business level customer – do they know you from Adam or Eve?
Full Product Life-Cycle Gap
The sell and abandon approach to products. Expensive extended warranties are a poor substitute for maintenance, quick repair, free loaners, and if needed recycling.
Expertise Gap
There are 60,000 products and several commercial office furniture lines. You need advice from the teenager packing out product on aisle 3? You may need hard to find items; complicated shipping and delivery; custom billing; design and installation for office furniture; on-site electronic recycling. With most vendors you are out of luck – most likely at a time when you need skill.
Remanufactured Toner Gap
It’s relatively inexpensive on the web. But does it work without printing mishaps. Who stands behind it?
Expert Furniture Installation Gap
Furniture is more than just a transaction. Your office needs design, layout and even assembly/disassembly.
A well designed office enhances teamwork and boosts productivity, all while staying on-budget.
Get rid of the GAPS – Enjoy Integrand‘s first to last business products and services.
(763) 398-2188
14148 Lincoln St NE
Suite A
Ham Lake MN 55304