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7 Ways Your Office Can Love Mother Earth this April

Earth Day is just around the corner, which there is no better time than now to take steps to make your office space more environmentally friendly. Making an office space green is no easy job, but it is well worth the effort you invest. Pairing with the professionals at InteGrand is a great way to get some advice on what needs to be done to reduce the amount of waste your company produces. InteGrand has a variety of different programs designed to help your business reduce its carbon footprint. Below are some of things you can do when trying to make your office space green.

earth day at work

Putting Some Thought Into Your Office Supplies

The first thing to focus on when trying to reduce waste is your office supplies. Using reusable pens is a great way to reduce waste. You also need to keep an eye on the supplies you have in your stockroom. The last thing you want to do is to buy office supply items you already have due to a lack of preparation. Keeping up with all of the supplies you have will allow you to only purchase new items when needed. The team at InteGrand has a variety of reusable office supply items to offer your business.

Going Paperless is Ideal

If your office space is cluttered with endless stacks of paper, it is time to rethink how you store documents. In the past, companies had to print out each and every document associated with their business and customers. These days, you can use the cloud to store a number of sensitive documents. Using the cloud allows you to reduce the amount of paper you have to use on a regular basis. The less paper you have to use, the more friendly your office space will be.

Focus on Your Printer Supplies

Another common source of waste in an office space are printer supplies. Some business owners think they have to get brand-new printer cartridges and parts in order for them to work. The reality is that the recycled cartridges and parts work just as well as new ones. The Grand Laser Program offered by InteGrand utilizes the power of recycled parts. Using this program will help you to keep your printer running efficiently without producing excess waste in the process.

Implement a Recycling Program

One of the most important things you need to do when trying to go green at your office space is to implement a recycling program. Neglecting to recycle will only lead to more waste and in an increased strain on the environment. At InteGrand, you will be able to get the help you need when instituting a recycling program. InteGrand has three different size recycling containers to choose from. Once you choose the right container for your office, you can put it in place and call InteGrand to come empty it when it is full.

Think About Telecommuting

Utilizing the power of technology is also a great way to reduce the impact your business has on the environment. Employees who commute to work every day will only contribute to the emissions problems the world is facing. Allowing employees to work from home can help to reduce the amount of pollution they produce. Usually, employees who telecommute are happier and more productive.

Reducing Power Consumption

Reducing the amount of power your office space uses is quite simple. Rather than leaving your computers on all night, you can save energy by having employees completely power them down. You can also invest in an energy audit to find out what fixtures can be altered to save power. With the right professional help, you will have no problem reducing the amount of energy your office space consumes.

Buy Second Hand Whenever Possible

Some business owners think buying equipment secondhand is a bad idea. The truth of the matter is that buying used furniture and equipment is a great idea. Not only will you be able to get a better deal on this equipment, you can also reduce the impact your business has on the environment.

The professionals at InteGrand have a variety of programs designed to help environmentally conscious business owners. Call them now to find out more about their programs and how they can benefit your company.

April 3, 2017 | Office Supplies, Print, Recycling