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Beat the Summer Office Heat! - InteGrand

It’s midsummer and the heat is on. With all the fun that summer time brings, all that heat and humidity do not always play well in an office environment.

Here are some precautions to keep the office cool and your people focused throughout the dog days of summer:cool office

  1. Send email reminders on the importance of staying hydrated. Water is the single most important factor to ensure our bodies function effectively, which helps ensure productive employees. An in-office water cooler or well-stocked refrigerator are recommended ways to keep your people cool and hydrated.
  1. Fans are another simple yet effective way to keep your people cool and minimize summer humidity. Individual desk clip-on fans are a great way for employees to access cooler air. Feel free to give InteGrand a shout andwe will ensure you get exactly what you want, how many you need; plus, consolidate the order and get you a great price…fast!
  1. Air conditioners, if affordable, are the best way to keep cool air in and humidity OUT! If you’re in the market, reach out to us for the best, most cost-effective approach to acquiring the optimal air conditioner for your office.
  1. It’s been shown thatmusic is relaxing and inspirational, which elevates productivity and keeps employees cool. Let your people know it’s totally “chill” to listen to music in the office!

We hope these tips will help to keep your office calm, cool, and productive…

August 8, 2016 | Tips and Tricks