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Ergonomics: Arms and Wrists - InteGrand

We’ve already gone over ergonomics for your eyes, neck and head, so why not keep going over the body? Let’s cover ergonomics for your arms, wrists and shoulders. Who knew working at a desk could be so physically strenuous?

Posture is the most important way to prevent injury. While typing, your hands should float freely above your keyboard. That means you shouldn’t rest your wrists on the keyboard. If this is difficult for you, a simple wrist rest can help with that.

InteGrand SolutionsCarpal Tunnel Syndrome is the main concern when it comes to wrist injury and affect 5 percent of the working population. Ouch! These workers cost employers more than $20 billion a year in workers compensation. Double ouch!

Along with wrists rests, employers should look into mouse pad rests and chairs with elbow rests. Resting your elbows relieves stress in your shoulders, which will save you problems in the long run. For a list of products offered by InteGrand, give us call.

Remember, if you feel sore or tied, take a rest. There’s no harm in taking a short break, but there could be lasting effects if you don’t.

February 9, 2015 | Furniture, Uncategorized