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Valentines in the Office? - InteGrand

Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about secret admirers and romance. On Valentine’s Day, gratitude and friendships are just as important. This year, use the holiday to show your appreciation for your colleagues and to remind yourself what you love about your job!


Here are some friendly ways to enjoy Valentine’s Day at work.

Give out friendly, appreciative cards. Are you crafty? Here’s your opportunity to show your creativity by making or illustrating your own cards. Show your appreciation by writing a brief, personalized note on the inside of a funny card, thanking your coworkers for one of the many things they do. 

Keep it professional. It can be harder on Valentine’s Day to keep your personal and professional life separate, but it is important to keep other peoples’ feelings in mind on this holiday. In a professional atmosphere, keep it low-key—wait to share your exciting plans (or complaints about the lack thereof) until after work or an out-doors lunch break.

Bake! Another opportunity to share your creativity and appreciation at the same time is to bake or cook something for the office. Bringing in food or sweets is always a good idea, but on Valentine’s Day, it’s acceptable to make heart-shaped cupcakes and other things of that nature. So, why not get out that pink icing for the special occasion?

Holidays are about remembering what we value about our lives and one another. We hope these ideas get you started thinking about how to express your gratitude at work.

February 8, 2016 | Tips and Tricks