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A Day Without Office Supplies - InteGrand

Wouldn’t it be a nightmare if we came into the office and all the supplies that we take for granted—our pens, notebooks, paper clips, printer ink, even our printers—were gone?


We all rely on the coffee pot in the kitchen. Some of us come in to work dreaming of that first sip. Imagine how grumpy your neighbor at work would be if that coffee were removed, even for a day?

Now imagine that someone, hyped up on caffeine, has an astonishing idea, or line of marketing copy. Where’s my pen? Where is my paper? I have to write that down! But your pens and paper are nowhere to be found, and as you search and search, the words you wanted to copy down disintegrate into oblivion inside your head.

There are stories of bookkeepers who could not seem to get their work done, only to be given a paper organizer and suddenly find a new and more efficient workflow.

Office supplies are a form of support. Without them, the people and efforts that make your company great will have nothing with which to organize, share, and represent themselves. It can be obvious why an office needs a good printer, but it is just as important not to take the need for staplers and staples for granted.

So let us take this opportunity to appreciate having our office supplies on hand, and to recognize the significance of providing employees with the tools they need to succeed.