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What Do You Keep in Your Briefcase? - InteGrand

integrand2Briefcases assert sophistication and maturity, and so should its contents! Whether you’re headed to work or traveling to an important business meeting, make sure your briefcase is fully loaded. Here are some helpful things to have on hand:

  1. Portable phone charger. Whoops—you had about eighteen billion phone calls this morning, and now that you need to archive a meeting, your phone is dying. Worry no more: just find an outlet and charge up.
  1. Notebook and pen. It helps a lot to always have writing materials with you at work. If you need to jot down some notes, brainstorm ideas, or take down somebody’s information while they’re on the run, having this on you will not only make you look professional, but you will also seem prepared for anything.
  1. Business card holder. Not to mention your business cards—if you are meeting new people it is super satisfying to take your business cards out of your briefcase and hand one to somebody from a professional metal or wooden holder.
  1. Portfolio. Surprise networking day! If you have your portfolio on you, it is like having a physical representation of your work at all times. Never be doubted again.
  1. Schedule. Don’t forget any of your meetings!
  1. Laptop and charger. For those of us that need these at work, it is a must-have.

Don’t be afraid of the professional essentials that can come along with having a briefcase. Enjoy a mature and organized way of working!

March 21, 2016 | Office Supplies