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4 Power Snacks and a Guilty Pleasure - InteGrand

office snackThrough the course of a workday, you will probably get hungry and thirsty. While it is easy to eat badly while on the clock, you need to focus on staying healthy. By taking the time to think about the types of snacks that you like and that are good for you, it will be easy to stock your office space with the right food and drink. Filling up on sugary sodas and snacks will usually lead to a crash later in the day. Rather than having to deal with problems related to lack of energy, you need to put only nutritious items in your body. Read below to find out about some of the best snacks and a guilty pleasure to keep in your work area.

Almonds Are a Great Snack

When looking for a snack that is filling and nutritious, there is nothing better than almonds. Many people claim that they are able to get a renewed focus when consuming almonds as a snack. These small nuts are packed with a variety of essential fats. Consuming almonds on a regular basis is also a great way to curb your appetite. If you are looking for quality almonds in the Minneapolis area, be sure to visit the Grass Roots Gourmet in the Midtown Global Market.

The Power of Green Tea

If you are in need of a great drink that can provide a pick me up, then green tea is a great option. The L-thenanine contained in green tea will allow you to regain your focus and help you to stay alert while on the clock. This tea has also been known to boost metabolism, lower cholesterol, and can improve the look of your skin. Be sure to visit the Caribou Coffee in the Nicolett Mall when looking for a good cup of green tea.

Bite Into a Banana

Among the most filling and delicious options in the fruit world is the banana. By consuming one banana, you will be able to get your daily dose of glucose. Keeping your glucose levels in check can help you to avoid getting tired in the afternoon portion of your day. A banana is also high in carbohydrates, which means that you will be able to stay fuller for longer. If you are in need of high-quality bananas, be sure to go to the Northwest Fruit Company located in St. Paul.

Yogurt is Filling and Delicious

Another great option when it comes to a healthy snack is yogurt. By consuming some yogurt and granola, you will be able to reduce the late night sugar cravings you have. The Yogurt Lab, locate don Excelsior Blvd. in Minneapolis is a great place to get quality yogurt.

Your Guilty Pleasure: Dark Chocolate

Do you have a sweet tooth? If you answered yes, then there is nothing better to curb this craving than a piece of dark chocolate. This type of chocolate is rich in antioxidants and can give you the sugar rush you need to make it through the day. The team at Candyland in the Nicollet Mall have been supplying Minneapolis residents with great chocolate for years.

Stocking your desk with these healthier food options will help you avoid junk during the course of your day.

October 17, 2016 | Tips and Tricks