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Organizing the Office - InteGrand

When you are busy at work, the last thing that you want to think about is organizing your desk. We have a few tips and products to help you out.iStock_000003345530_Large



Take everything out of the drawers and clear off the top of your desk. When was the last time you saw the top of the desk? Make sure you use solution once everything is cleared. Use some oil on the surface to restore it to its original shine.


Get rid of some stuff

Toss items you haven’t used in a while. That calendar from 2013 can probably be recycled, and all those business cards you threw in your junk drawer can be placed in a rolodex or in a word doc so you can recycle the cards and clear up some space.



Now that you’ve de-cluttered it should be easier to organize. Use desk organizers to keep everything from moving around. Make sure you stick to the system; pens in one compartment, paper clips in the other, so on and so forth. If you need some new items to help with this organization, stop by our office supply section.


They say a cluttered desk is a cluttered mind. Start with these simple steps to ensure both are clear and ready to be put to work!

September 23, 2015 | Uncategorized