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Tips for Moving into a New Office - InteGrand


Deciding to move into a new office is a big change for any business. Moving requires coordinating all of your furniture, supplies, employees and still working. Eliminate some of that stress by letting InteGrand handle the disassembly and assembly of your larger furniture!

Here are some tips to make the process easier and less stressful:

Form teams

Breaking up the larger group into smaller teams and delegating separate responsibilities will ensure that everyone stays on task and that there are no redundancies.

Know the new building

Before you move any furniture into your new office make sure that you know every nook and cranny of it. Obtaining the office’s floor plan will help you have a plan laid out before moving in.

Label everything

Pre-labeling all of your equipment by which room it is going in will cut down on time and confusion. Try color coding according to room and make a chart that you pass out to all people involved.

Contact your insurance agent

Even the smoothest of moves can cause equipment to break. Make sure you’re covered!

October 5, 2015 | Uncategorized